The International Bias Towards Israel: A Systematic Defense of Injustice

The International Bias Towards Israel: A Systematic Defense of Injustice
In the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Israel’s actions have long been criticized for their impact on Palestinian civilians, human rights violations, and illegal practices on occupied territories. However, despite mounting evidence of war crimes, apartheid policies, and the systematic denial of Palestinian rights, the international community remains complicit, often siding with Israel or turning a blind eye to its abuses. This article will highlight the international bias towards Israel and provide hard evidence to demonstrate how the world continues to support a state that engages in illegal and immoral acts against an oppressed people.

Israel’s Violations of International Law: A Long History of Crimes
Israel’s track record of violating international law, including international human rights law and international humanitarian law, is extensive. The most glaring violations include:

Settlements in Occupied Territories: Israel has consistently built illegal settlements on Palestinian land in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, both of which are considered occupied territories under international law. The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 2334 (2016) reaffirmed that Israeli settlements are illegal under international law, yet Israel continues to expand them without any significant repercussions.

Gaza Blockade and Collective Punishment: Since 2007, Israel has imposed a strict blockade on the Gaza Strip, severely restricting the movement of people and goods, resulting in a humanitarian crisis for over two million Palestinians. The blockade is a form of collective punishment, which is explicitly prohibited under the Fourth Geneva Convention. Despite overwhelming international criticism, Israel continues to enforce the blockade.

War Crimes and Civilian Casualties: Israel has been accused of committing war crimes during its military operations in Gaza, including the 2008-2009 Gaza War (Operation Cast Lead), 2012 (Operation Pillar of Defense), 2014 (Operation Protective Edge), and others. These operations led to the deaths of thousands of Palestinian civilians, many of whom were women and children. The targeting of civilian infrastructure, such as schools, hospitals, and residential areas, has been well-documented and constitutes a breach of international law, particularly the Geneva Conventions.

Extrajudicial Killings and Assassinations: Israel has also been involved in extrajudicial killings, targeting Palestinian leaders and militants without due process. The assassination of top Palestinian figures, such as Ahmad Jibril, is a direct violation of international law, which guarantees individuals the right to life and due process.

Apartheid Policies: The United Nations, as well as numerous human rights organizations, have labeled Israel’s treatment of Palestinians as apartheid. Israel’s discriminatory laws and practices create two separate legal systems: one for Jewish citizens and one for Palestinians in the occupied territories. Palestinians are subjected to military rule, while Jewish settlers live under civilian law. This system of discrimination is in violation of the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid.

The International Community’s Complicity: Unwavering Support for Israel
Despite the documented violations of international law, Israel enjoys unwavering support from powerful nations, most notably the United States, and often receives tacit approval or indifference from European countries, especially those within the European Union. The following points illustrate the bias and support Israel receives from the international community:

The U.S. Veto Power: The United States, Israel’s strongest ally, has repeatedly used its veto power in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to block resolutions condemning Israel’s actions. For example, the U.S. vetoed a UNSC resolution in 2011 that would have condemned Israeli settlement expansion in the West Bank. The U.S. has also repeatedly shielded Israel from accountability for its actions in Gaza, including during Operation Protective Edge.

Lack of Accountability from the International Criminal Court (ICC): While the ICC has launched investigations into alleged war crimes committed by other countries, it has been hesitant to pursue Israel. Although in 2021 the ICC announced an investigation into Israel’s actions in the occupied Palestinian territories, the investigation has faced enormous pressure from Israel and its allies. The U.S. and other Western powers have publicly criticized the ICC, asserting that it lacks jurisdiction over Israeli actions. This political

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